While EU has prioritised social innovation through several policy, Sweden seems to be lagging behind in strategic policy efforts.
In this session, key actors in Sweden and the EU discuss the challenges and potential in better supporting the multitude of social innovators and entrepreneurs, who keep on striving to achieve the global sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda.
- Michael Grosse, European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Social Fund+, European Commission
- Johnny Karlsson, National coordinator, the Swedish ESF Council
- Anna Tengqvist, Coordinator, Forum for Social Innovation Sweden, Malmö University
- Tove Nordström, Executive Director, SE Forum
- Malin Lindberg, Professor of Gender and Technology and researcher in social innovation, Luleå University of Technology
About the organisers
The Forum for Social Innovation Sweden is a national knowledge and collaboration platform for social innovation and social enterprise in Sweden, based at five universities from north to south. We monitor the social innovation field, and collect, develop, and share research-based knowledge. We also catalyse, facilitate and co-create cross-sectoral collaborations, through different methods and processes.